Photos that fit into your wedding day, not take it over.

A bride and groom are standing together in a church, holding hands and smiling at each other during their wedding ceremony. The bride is holding a bouquet of flowers, making it one of their favorite wedding photos from 2023.

Enjoy every minute of your wedding day

Your Wedding Day

A typical timeline showing how efficient the process can be

A laid-back table setting with mismatched flower displays in different vases, random paper stuff, and other small personal knick-knacks meant to make the meal more enjoyable.


I arrive and dive into capturing the excitement – the venue, decorations, and all those “this is the day” emotions.


It’s go-time for your ceremony. I make myself as invisible as possible here and remain respectful as you tie the knot.
A happy bride playfully throws confetti around her groom outside a church, enjoying their wedding day to the fullest, with their excited guests around them.


It’s official, you’re married! Confetti, bubbles, claps, or cheerios.


Everyone’s chilling with fizz and canapes. Perfect chance for us to do some quick group photos.
A couple getting married are hugging in a wheat field. The pleasant sunshine is making the scene even better.


Guests head to their seats. We’ll sneak out real quick for some couple photos as you’re the last ones in.


Dinner time! You make your big entrance, then everyone digs in.
A man giving a speech and grinning at his wife, who's seated at a table in a fancy old-fashioned room.


Speech time – I’m ready for the laughs, happy tears, hugs and “I cant believe they said that” moments.


Sunset photo op, if the weather’s on our side.
A couple dances for the first time at their wedding party with all their friends and family around, in a beautifully decorated tent.


Evening crew arrives.


Cake cutting, first dance (or grip and sway and I like to call it) and the start of the night.
The bride and groom are happily running through a line of friends and family waving sparklers at their nighttime wedding party.


Sparklers and a 5 minute photo walk to cool down and round off your couples portraits with some night time shots.


And that’s a wrap for me – you keep the party going!
A guy in a pink suit is getting lifted up by some friends at a party. It's probably a wedding in 2023. He's smiling, pointing up, and has glasses with long curly hair. The people around him are also smiling and having a good time.

Couples Photos

A guy and a girl, dressed up fancy, are holding hands while strolling through a garden. He's in a pale blue suit and she's wearing a pink dress.

It's wedding, not a photoshoot.

The real, giddy, just-married you, doesn't need to be told where to look or exactly where to place your hand. Your couples photos are kept natural and not posed.  I'll gently guide you on where we'll go to make best use of light and location. I do have a couple of rules though...don't look at your feet and never let go of each other. That’s all there is to it!

You could call this part of your day the "Breather Sessions."  This is probably your first wedding and you might not know it yet but EVERYONE wants to talk with you. Nipping out for 5-10 minutes a couple of times isn't just doable, it's some much-needed time together somewhere quieter. It's your chance to chill, appreciate, get some air and hit the reset button.

When they're quick like this, no one will wonder where you are and you won’t feel like you’re missing out on your own wedding. Honestly, you'll find these way quicker, easier and more comfortable than you might expect.

Group Photos

A bride, in her wedding dress and barefoot, runs through a grassy field with a flower bouquet raised above her head. A few people chase after her. The photo is in black and white and has become one of the favorite wedding pictures of 2023.

Your family photos will be fun, beautiful, quick and stress free.

You might have experienced or heard about weddings where everyone was bored because the photographer took forever. We'll do the opposite. I'll work closely with someone you choose – someone who knows your crowd and can help navigate through the who's who efficiently.

We will focus on the groups you really see yourself framing, you know, those really important people. And hey, if your list has grown arms and legs, because there's a bit of family politics involved, that's ok. We'll get them done and make sure you're not written out of a will.

Remember, you're in every single one of these pictures – EVERY ONE! And most of the time, we're doing this during cocktail hour. Do you really want to miss out on this part of your day, watching the party start while you're only on group 16? I'll find a nice background, we'll get your important people together, I'll get them looking my way, with genuine smiles and we are good.

The Dance Floor

A happy couple is hugging in the middle of a fun 2023 party. Everyone around them is cheering and dancing, making it a great moment for wedding pictures.

The lights are low, the ties loosened, and it's bye-bye to high heels. It's time to party!

I love everything about weddings, but your dance floor? That's my absolute favorite. All the formal stuff is done and dusted and those lucky few who got to do a speech are now free. 

You'll find me on your dance floor, right in the middle with you. If I hang back, the photos will look like they were taken by someone sitting at table six, and who wants that?

This part of your wedding is totally unpredictable, wild, and often outrageous. It's fast-paced, usually sweaty, and very loud, so I get stuck in to capture the FEEL of your party.

Booking Process


Say Hello

Fill out the enquiry form so I can check the availability of your special day. I’ll respond via email within 24 hours with a link to shedule a video chat.


Let's Chat

We’ll meet over a super laid-back, video chat. You’ll be able to share what kind of day you're going and have your questions answered. No pressure!


Make it Official

If it feels like a match, I'll send you a simple contract to review. Once you sign and put down your 10% deposit, your date is secured and we're officially a team!

Just tell me when and where!

Let's Make it Official

Enjoy your big day knowing the photography is in safe hands.

Get started today
A wedding party is posing outside, with five women in dresses and seven men in suits. Some are holding bouquets while a few are jumping in the air. The background has a cloudy sky and grassy landscape—one of our favorite wedding photos from 2023.